September 24, 2015

Rusagonis River No.2 (Patrick Owens)

The Patrick Owens bridge at Rusagonis, just south of Fredericton, is the only covered bridge in New Brunswick to feature a full length window along one side of it, making it much more interesting to photograph than the quality of my pictures here reflect.  A note on photographing this bridge: do not go early/mid morning, as the angle of the sun creates tough lighting to work with.  I was quite disappointed with mine when I got home.

The lesser viewed side of the Rusagonis bridge - no windows this side. This picture actually turned out okay because there was no glare from the sun into the lens.


  1. Build up of sand/gravel and increasing vegetation are making the opening under this bridge smaller and in the spring flood the water is higher each year than the years before . In 2016 the ice was touching and shaking the bridge as the ice jam upstream broke .
    The opening under the bridge should be cleared and opened/deepened to prevent the eventual loss of this bridge .
    The government should be aware and make adequate adjustments they have been advised by myself of the situation .... but to date (July 2018 ) nothing has been done . One call to DOT was answered by a response that they are going to let nature take it's course and that nothing would be done to save the bridge from this increasing height of flood water .

  2. The Rusagonis is a Stream not a River


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